Books and more...
The Grief
of Wisdom:
A Novel

This debut novel, by JANE THOMPSON HASENMUELLER, is the heartbreaking story of two mothers, Isobel and Marah, who meet after their sons die in a terrorist attack on the campus of a small university in New Mexico. Isobel, a high school principal, seeks out Marah, a nurse practitioner in the USAF, for answers to her constant question of “Why?”
Forming a tenuous relationship at first, they each struggle through the constant grief that affects their lives and relationships in different ways. As their friendship grows into one of care and support, they realize the forces that brought about each son’s death. Only too soon, do Isobel and Marah come to realize the grief that comes from wisdom.
At once full of tragedy and hope, the story challenges the easy assumptions we make about events and others, and the hard lessons that grief imparts.
"My idea for this book came about five or six years ago when there seemed to be widespread condemnation of Muslims. I sought to write a story that portrays two women of different faiths and cultures sharing the love they have for their sons and their grief. I hope for all people that we can begin to see more of our commonalities than our differences.
Sign up for my blog for my weekly ramblings and notification of publication. Thanks for stopping by."
Radical Aging
I am a Certified Health and Integrative Nutrition Coach. I have coached clients to lose weight and make lifestyle changes that help them live healthier lives. No matter our age, living our best and healthiest life now gives us a better chance of living healthy to the end. The Standard American Diet (SAD) is leading too many people down the road to diabetes, heart attack, stroke and cancer. Our modern diseases are killing us largely due to the way we eat. While exercise is an important part of being healthy, diet has a far greater impact on your health, than anything else. My website, Radical Aging, is where I share information on how you can change your life for the better. Feel free to check it out:
After Divorce
Jane's first book is still available on Amazon, or by contacting
Choosing Happiness After Divorce, is a 52 week guide to getting on with your life in a positive way. Each week there is a message, reading suggestions, quotes, and even recipes. (Though, keep in mind, this was written before Jane became a plant based health coach.) You can stay unhappy, or learn how to take back your life and be positive.

Speaking Engagements
Jane speaks on grief or health issues. If you are interested in having her speak at your next event, or to have her visit your book club via zoom please contact:
(During these times of Covid, speaking engagements are by Zoom.)