1948 edition of SCRABBLE
Here's a big question: are you a spectator or a participant? Nope, not talking pickleball here, I'm talking life. Your life. My life. I got in a conversation about this the other day and it got me thinking about what it means to be a participant in my life, versus sitting on the sidelines and letting life happen to me. Our lives require intentional action, in many realms: relational, physical, financial, mental, and spiritual (whatever that means to you). Nothing is going to change unless I make a change. We can let life happen to us, or we can make things happen for us. Go forth and participate my friends! Life is short.
Peace and Joy,
PS. What are you reading? I've been reading Full Tilt: Ireland to India with a Bicycle. by Dervla Murphy. This is an interesting travel memoir that takes place in 1963, a time when traveling through Afghanistan and Pakistan was doable for a woman solo, for that matter anyone. Because I have always loved cycling and miss it greatly here in Belize, I love this book. I'm also reading another Vasily Grossman book, An Armenian Sketchbook, about his being sent from Russia to Armenia to translate a book. As a Russian, his book had been censored and not allowed to be published, so this was the Russian sort of twisted way of making it up to him. (Hmmm. Suppression of books. Sounds familiar). Eventually, Grossman's books were published, and I cannot recommend them enough. Read Stalingrad, then Life and Fate. Excellent reads. Also, don't forget The Grief of Wisdom!
