We need to talk about this. I'll make it brief, cause no one wants to hear me talk shit for too long, so here goes.
FIBER! Fiber is the shit my friends and it's the key to being healthy for the long term. Nope, not a supplement, you don't get the same benefits, even though it might make you poop, it's not cleaning out the colon or growing the good bacteria you need in there. Fiber is plant-based and comes from whole foods. Think fruits, vegetables, whole grains, but most of all beans. Beans are magical. They fill our gut with all that's good, making the right bacteria grow in our guts and helping flush all that's not, right down the drain. Forget taking probiotics, they are cleaning out our wallets, not our colons, let beans make your probiotic gut. As for protein, we are getting more than enough. We've been sold a bill of goods being told protein, protein, protein! Yes, it's important, but Fiber is the shit, my friends, and it's what keeps us moving to the end.
Lack of fiber is the number one cause of colon cancer. Please protect yourself and add lots and lots of plants to your diet. For more info, check out www.nutritionfacts.org and feel free to ask me questions.
Peace and Joy,