We are back in the USA, but just for a day, then home to Belize tomorrow. No matter how great a trip, getting home to one’s own bed is always great. I’m looking forward to it.

I’m going to start at the end of our trip today, but next week I’ll start back at the beginning, a very good place to start. We were due to return home on June 14, but before we left Belize, when I discovered a writing workshop was the following week, one I’d wanted to attend for a long time, we changed our plans for Spain. And I’m so glad we did. Steve spent the week in Cadiz, while I went off to Finca Buenvino, a Bed and Breakfast, for Elaine Kingett’s Write It Down Workshop. What a great week! I feel connected to my creative self again, something that has been missing in action the last few years. I know I have let too much time on my devices interfere with my creative self, but a week of writing and very little connectivity, reminded me how much I love journaling, drawing, thinking, reading, and how more, feels way better than less.

The Moroccan Corner was one of my favorite spots for reading and writing.

The house is so lovely both inside and out, with lots of art on the walls, and books everywhere. The owners of Buenvino, Jeannie and Sam, love reading as much as do Steve and I. Everywhere you look, there are beautiful and enchanting items. Originally from the UK, their home has a cozy feel to every room. And the food! Let me just say that Jeannie and their son, Charlie, have put their Cordon Bleu training to great use. Every meal was delicious and they catered to my vegetarianism with apparent ease. Yum!

writing along the way

the pool and pool house

Ella and Truffle the b&b dogs, a sweet pair of Spanish Water dogs

Elaine has picked a great place for her writing workshops. Unfortunately though, this September will be her last one. She has a space left if anyone is interested, let me know, I’ll send you the details.

I’ve been an advocate of journal writing for most my adult life. I started writing journals when I was in fifth grade and have written in journals on and off throughout the years. They are magic when I consider that research shows journal writing is a great way to alleviate depression, to figure out challenges I am facing, and of course to remember things as I age. If you haven’t tried it, give it a go. Buy yourself a journal and write.

Apertivo time

What will be saved in the future? Emails? A bajillion pictures in the cloud? Gazillion bits of information that overloads the brain and keeps us distracted from life itself? I don’t know, but I hope maybe we will see the beauty again of writing with a pen in our hand on pages of real paper. Life is short, and gets shorter with each passing day.

Peace and joy to you my friends,