A friend of mine writes a beautiful blog each week that often includes a random picture of something small, something you might not see, and she puts the caption, “noticing…” underneath whatever it might be that day. These serve to remind me, the little things are where the magic in our lives, the meaning, happens.

Our lives have meaning, not because of how much money we make, how big our house might be, or what we think about politics. Meaning comes from the small things, like a hug from someone we love, a bird singing outside our window each morning, or the unexpected morning temperatures in the low sixties when you live in a normally tropically hot country. (That’s called freezing here.)

For the next two days, don’t look at the news on your phone, don’t post pictures, don’t fear the unidentified ‘they’ Fox news says is coming to destroy your life. Instead, notice. Notice the small things. The joy on a loved one’s face. The taste of that delicious cup of coffee you made. The weather for what it is, not what you want it to be. A piece of art hanging in your home or wherever you might be visiting. Notice the touch of a hand holding yours. The small things bring the meaning. What are you noticing?
Peace and Joy,